What a WEEK! We survived our first week of school! So far so good, I think we will like it! We both come home from work and get out our little laptops, and off we go, working away on our studies, so far as far as we know we are 4.0 students.

I think that we both are a little proud of that. Every time we see that we have received all the points we can, we are excited and we share with the other right away the good news. It will be disappointing if one of us does not receive full points.... I'm sure that it will be me... I married a smarty pants
I love him!! I make him read through all my papers and responses before I send them of to be graded, that is most likely why I have all my points! Thanks Sweets!!

Life with meg is so good, we are learning a lot about life together. Its so fun, this week on Thursday we watched Oprah together! It was some fun girl time, SHE LOVED IT!! Gabbie has also been a huge support for me in school, as she is a teacher at Salt Lake Community college. They are really good friends, that I fell the lord has lead us to one another to help one another get through life.
This week was all so Halloween! So fun to see all the crazy people dress up. Unfortunately it came to fast for us, we did not dress up, well we did but it was lame, I was a stressed college student and Ben was a hard worker! Not to exciting. I had to work late, and Ben ran to help Dave Upwall with his spook alley. He had fun, and I did as well! Some of the kids came to see me, as they do every year when I have to work, here are some pix! 

They are so fun! They came running in to see me at work! This is truly one of the gratest feelings ever! To be loved.
I think you blog site is cute. thanks for sending it to me.
Big sis. RaieGene
yeah I know who your favorite nieces are.
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